Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-Lab)



  • Head of the Laboratory:
    • Jagna Karcz, PhD


Main field of research:

  • high-resolution imaging of biological and environmental samples based on the Ultra-High Resolution Cold Field Emission UHR FE-SEM Hitachi SU 8010 scanning electron microscope equipped with EDX spectrometr and Cryo-Transfer system;
  • plant and animal morphogenesis in normal and stress conditions and in in vitro cultures;
  • plant surface structures as biomarkers of environmental status;
  • biodegradation of modified plastics by bacteria and fungi;
  • EDX analysis of chemical composition (point, linescan and elemental mapping) of biological and environmental samples;
  • microstructural surface features of plant and animal organs and their importance in taxonomy and phylogeny;
  • morphology and anatomy of the selected groups of invertebrates and vertebrates.

Unique resources of the Laboratory:

  • SEM folder of sample preparation methods for soft and solid biological and environmental material (plant and animal tissues, bacterial cells, polymers and fossil materials);
  • interpretation and image analysis of biological surface structures, e.g. surface microcharacters of epidermal plant cells;
  • EDX analysis in the chemical characterization of a sample;
  • scientific and technical consultations in SEM sample preparation methods of biological and environmental samples;
  • popularization of science: open lecture series and practicals, event series, lectures in schools.

For students:

  • PhD studies on Advanced methods in biotechnology and biodiversity
    • Analytical scanning electron microscopy in biological and environmental researches